Sunday, August 24, 2008

Adventures in Portland!

Yesterday Dominique, Julie and I decided to go on a random trip to Portland for the day. I am so thankful for spontaneous friends! We had a blast!

We first visited the famous "Powell's Bookstore" I believe it is the largest bookstore in America.

I love that Portland is SO diverse! The people are so interesting and so are their possessions! This car said "Trophy Wife" on the bumper.

We were walking down by the waterfront and we saw signs for the Luis Palau Festival! We had no idea that it was going on that weekend! For those of you who don't know, Luis Palau is a world wide evangelist and he puts together these huge Christian festivals with all sorts of events...

We waited in line for an hour to get into the "mosh pit".

Toby Mac (DC Talk) finished off the night with an awesome concert!

I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what lies ahead for the day! Who knew that I would end up seeing a Free Toby Mac concert in Portland by the end of the day?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cruise life upon the Golden Princess!

Recently I was blessed by Johanna's family by going on a cruise with them to Alaska. We ported at Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, and Victoria Canada. There were 12 of us in all. We went to celebrate her grandparents 50th anniversary. They are such a wonderful family and I had a blast with the clan. We spent our days touring towns, playing card games while we were at sea, taking dance lessons, playing marco polo in the pool, eating endless amounts of foods, seeing shows every night by the entertainment on board and having cheese and wine in the skylight lounge. It was VERY relaxing. I loved every minute of it!

I brought shorts on this trip... although I never wore them... even though it didnt rain, it was still kind of breezy. But it was comfortable enough to walk around with a light jacket.

This is Johanna and her sister in law Katie. Katie is the best! We clicked really well over the cruise... I loved hanging out with Johanna's fam!
This is Johanna's dad, Dan. We are pretty much rock stars.
Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska.

God blessed us with a gorgeous day up at Tracy's Arm... they said that it is only sunny 10 days out of the year up there! We saw two glaciers up there. It was breathtaking!
Ya See that? Kelly Block. Love it. This was in the wonderful town of Skagway! I LOVED Skagway! It was full of old Victorian buildings and the people were SO friendly!

Seattle was beautiful the day that we left!