On April 13th my niece Annabell was born. She was 7lbs 11oz, and 21 inches long. She is a beautiful little girl and we are so very happy to welcome her into our family.
As you can imagine, Kim was exhausted from the day, but very happy to finally see her precious baby. "Big Bro" wasn't as excited to meet his little sister at first... but he is now very protective of her. The other day my sister took her children into the bank, and a woman went to pick up the baby and Brian Jr. said.... "Hey that's MY Annabell!!!"
Brian Sr. did a great job with taking care of his wife and new born. Kim said that he was very loving and attentive the entire time, and he had a hard time leaving the hospital a couple days later to go back to work. (Kim was in the hospital for a few days because she had a se-section)
This picture was taken a week after she was born. I absolutely adore this picture. It makes me crack up. I think this was the first time I saw her open her eyes. She sleeps ALL the time. Even at two weeks old, she is still sleeping for most of the day. So I was lucky to get a picture of her with her eyes open!
1 comment:
She is such a cutie pie! I'm looking forward to playdates with Annabell and our little one on the way!
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