Friday, December 26, 2008

What a wonderful Christmas!

This year was truly one of the best Christmas's that I can remember. Everyone in my family was more cheerful, loving, understanding and compassionate with one another! And the best part of all, God was given all the glory!

Here are the girls cutting a rug and dancing with joy in front of the tree. What is funny is that Brian Sr. and Brian Jr are the ones who started the dancing. It was SO cute to see father and son playing together so happily! (They got away before I could take a picture of them!)

Here is Grandma with all the kiddos. Lu-Lu (4), William (5 months), Brian Jr (2), Hannah (7)

All the grandchildren had their picture taken with Grandma. This one was my favorite.

My sister Kim is nearly 6 months prego. Here is her Christmas belly shot. We are hoping to find out if it is a girl or a boy. Her next doctors appointment is in a couple of weeks.

Brian was having fun pushing Cousin Will around in his "car". I don't know that William was enjoying it as much as Brian was.

This is Brian showing off his new outfit from Santa. It was hilarious. He opened the gift and immediately started taking his clothes off and putting this outfit on. He was a little grumpy when I stopped him from all of his fun to get a picture of him in his new Christmas gift.

Bye bye! I hope you all had a marvelous Christmas, and that you were all able to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, and thank God for his precious gift of Jesus Christ.


The-New-Mrs.-M said...

Lol, that last picture is a crack up! You can certainly tell that your family is related! You all make funny faces and ham it up for the camera!!

I can't believe how big Brian Jr is! I think the last time I saw him was at your 3k run! What a cutie!

lovin' life said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas. Looks like you had a great time with your family. Everyone looks so happy!